Wednesday, September 23, 2015


I will edit this if the assignment happened to change.

One sample background

Top-Down/Map/Bird's eye view

Full Front View

Polishing Character Designs


Emotion Refined

Turnaround Refined

Friday, September 11, 2015

New Animation Story

Since the previous animation story is void, here's the new one!

Calbhach and Athol
Act 1
It was a peaceful day outside the Elven town of Avalon. Calbhach the goblin was tuning his lute while Athol the Porc relaxed against a tree beside him. A passerby on the road noticed them, and turned his nose up. He remarked snidely to the Porc, grumbling while looking at the Goblin. Athol only growled in response. Calbhach cut in, grumbling aggressively and gesturing rudely. The Elf only scoffed, mouthing 'rat' at him. As he walked away, an arrow sailed by his pointed ear, and he quickly turned back to see the goblin with another arrow drawn. Calbhach cocked his head, trying to antagonize the elf further. He was only waved off as the elf went on his way. Calbhach stamped a foot, gesturing toward the elf as he looked back at Athol. Athol snorted, shaking his head as his eyes followed the elf. Calbhach's eyes wend wide as a sudden idea came to him, and he grinned widely. He leaned into Athol's ear on the tips of his toes, gesturing animatedly.
The next day, they decided to visit a Kobold town deep in the Bedazzled Mountains not too far away. It took some asking around, but they finally found the tavern. A simple password is all it took to bribe the bartender into pointing to the elder. He looked whether end from his adventures. Rock-fur worn down, a scarred left eye and a tattered scarf adorning his neck. He refused at first, Calbhach's measly one ruby was not enough to sate him. So Calbhach added another. And another. Until a small pile of 10 assorted precious gems made the old Kobold's mouth water. He finally consented, grabbing an emerald and stuffing it into his mouth.
He told the tricksters that the Kobold's gem mine was infested with Mimics. The entrance was just outside of town. Try as they might, the Kobolds just couldn't seem to decrease their numbers. Any help they could get was appreciated, and exterminators were welcome to a small reward for every Mimic they captured or killed. Calbhach politely thanked the Kobold elder, and motioned for Athol to follow.

Act 2
As the elder had said, it was a quick walk outside of town. The mine entrance was barricaded shut, with only a door keeping them from entering. Even outside the mine they could hear the chattering of the Mimics. They would need to be careful not to get overwhelmed.
Upon entering, they spotted two small chests. Calbhach motioned to Athol to go on ahead, staying behind to spot for him and buff him with his bard abilities as needed. Athol took out his twin hammers, slowly approaching one of the chests. He hit it with his hammer… And only gems spilled out. The loud noise made the other rattle and come to life. The lid opened to reveal a mouth with four rows of sharp teeth, with a pair of green, slitted eyes sitting in the space where the seam of two pieces of wood would be.
Calbhach, seeing this, immediately warned Athol of the approaching danger, taking out his short bow. Athol banged his hammers together, casting Draggin Lightning, lashing the Mimic with lightning and sending it sailing into the air. With a quick whiplash, it crashed to the ground. Calbhach let an arrow loose, just nicking it. The Mimic let out a furious growl, echoing throughout the cavern. The chattering grew to a crescendo and silenced. There was a low rumble as a hoard of ten more Mimics entered the cavern. In the middle was a Mimic that looked tattered, and was bigger than the others. Eyes grew wide and ears drooped as the shadow of the largest loomed over them, eating other Mimics to grow stronger.
They attacked it with all their might. Athol shot lightning from his hammers, casting Summon Mjolnir, which summoned a trio of astral hammers and slamming them down on the boss. Calbhach unleashes as many arrows as he could, charming as many minions into attacking each other and putting them to sleep as he could. The duo was thankful for the boss eating his own minions. However, as he ate more, he only became more powerful. They were severely outgunned by the boss. Calbhach ran out of arrows mid-way, and Athol was getting dangerously low on stamina. Both were panting from the long, drawn-out fight. Only the boss was left and he still looked ready to fight.
Out of nowhere, the elder and a few other Kobold's stormed into the mine, scratching, biting and slashing at the boss with claws, teeth and swords. One, a Paladin, had stepped aside and healed them both. Athol rushed in with renewed vigor. It was a final fire ball from one of the Wizards that defeated the giant Mimic. Enthusiastic cheering from the Kobold's echoed throughout the mine, as they tore the boss to pieces to get at the gems he and his minions had eaten. Athol was barely able to get in between them with his impressive stature to bag and subdue a few that were still unconscious. He picked up a few gems and trotted back to Calbhach. They left the Kobold's to their spoils and left the town. Calbhach wanted to get back to Avalon.

Act 3
It was deep into the night that they acted on their plans and the duo were getting the Mimics ready for their plot. Calbhach cast a very successful Lullaby, sending the mimics to sleep. He then cast disguise, turning himself into an Elf to blend in. He and Athol scattered the Mimics around town for the residents to find. They found the elf who and sneered at them, and made sure he had a couple special ones. It took the rest of the night to go about their mischief.

Once the bag was empty, they retreated to a safe spot. The first light was lit to pierce the dawn. There was a pause before an ear-piercing scream echoed throughout the town, and more lights were lit abruptly. The screams increased in number, and soon enough, there were a few people outside, running from a bouncing Mimic. Athol reached into his burlap waist sack and took out two loaves of bread, handing one to Calbhach. They tapped them together, watching the fruits of their labor.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Deconstructive emotional turnarounds

(aka Turnarounds, Emotion sheet, and construction breakdown)

...I still have consistency issues. -___-
     The character background story stuff is with the attributes list, just posted it too early. And typical me, I changed my mind half way through, so it is now void. I'm writing the story for the animation for these two, with their respective attributes etc. to follow in due time.