Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Layout Assignment

Here's the pictures for the layout assignment.

Not really much to them, just trying to get a grip on the spatial relationships of all the set pieces we'll see in the pencil tests. It would have also felt a little out of place if I put too much detail, since the characters themselves are simplistic in design. I think putting the alien and spaceman in with the background gives a better idea of the scale of the set.


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  2. Really great idea to put the characters in each of the layouts to give a sense of scale! It really showcases how your characters will work in an environment so that the audience isn't guessing how big or small anything is. And it's good to keep things simple, but I would add a little bit more detail--it doesn't have to be anything crazy, but it would be good to show an indication of stars or sky or objects in the distance, to add to the mood and environment of each of the layouts, kind of like you have it in the first example. For environmental layouts you may want to consider taking out grid lines as well--these are great for underdrawings, but it can make an environmental drawing look too static. The map gives a good top-down view of your setting, but I feel as if you could also add a bit of detail of where things might happen as well. Looking good so far!
